The Seventh Cooperative Principle

Staying grounded in the local community will help deter a coop from the excesses and exploitations that commonly afflict investor-owned companies, as the interests of the coop will be the interests of the members which will be the interests of the community.

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Kyle Sosebee
The Fourth Cooperative Principle

Co-operatives are autonomous, self-help organizations controlled by their members. If they enter into agreements with other organizations, including governments, or raise capital from external sources they do so on terms that ensure democratic control by their members and maintain their co-operative autonomy.

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Kyle Sosebee
Co-ops: An Old Solution for New Problems

Co-ops are based on the idea that the people who either work at, or use, the business are the owners. The owners get the profits and they get to make decisions about how the business operates. We here at Uproot think there are many opportunities for creative cannabis (and hemp!) entrepreneurs who care about equity and democracy to use the Co-op model for success.

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Kyle Sosebee
Sports and Cannabis

As the number of states legalizing medical and adult-use cannabis increases, the number of athletes living, training and competing in states with legal cannabis is rapidly increasing.  What does this mean?

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Kyle Sosebee